Return Of the Jedi

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said Lucas

"At the same time, I had an ulterior motive that I had been thinking about for a long time -- actually ever since the films were finished. There were various things, especially in the original film, that I wasn't satisfied with -- special effects shots that never were really finished, scenes that I'd wanted to include that couldn't be included for some reason, mostly money and time. I really wanted to fix the films and have them be complete. A famous filmmaker said, 'Films are never completed, they're only abandoned.' Rather than living with my abandoned movie, I really wanted to go back and complete it.


Directed by: Richard Marquand Produced by: George Lucas
Screenplay by: George Lucas
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker Harrison Ford as Han Solo
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
Anthony Daniels as C3PO Peter Mayhew II as Chewbacca
Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker
Ian McDiarmid as Emperor
Frank Oz as Yoda
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (voice)
David Prowse as Darth Vader
Alec Guinness as Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi Kenny Baker as R2-D2

We have to do another leap forward to catch the plot which has moved to the point where all of Han's friends are involved in an attempt at his rescue. Han has been sold, as a wall decoration, to Jaba the Hut, a type of Mafia boss in the shape of a giant, fat, salamanda. Luke arrives and impresses the hell out of everyone with his new Jedi powers. With a little help he saves everyone and the movie moves on. The empire is building another death star and the rebels have a plan to destroy it. Of course Han, Luke, Leia, etc. are all critical to the success of this plan. They must land on a tropical moon to disable the force field that protects the half built deathstar. In the process, Luke is voluntarily captured and tries to turn Darth, his Father, away from evil. We get to see another great dual between the two of them. This time the emperor is on the side lines cheering them on whilst trying to turn Luke to the dark side of the force. Luke is made of sterner stuff than that though. Meanwhile the rest of the gang have run into the improbable Ewoks. Fuzzy, teddy bear like people who seem unable to walk without waddling. Strangely they turn out to be useful allies, in the capacity of scouts, diversions and pesky warriors. The force field is eventually brought down and the rebels attack only to find that the death star is not nonfunctional after all. If it wasn't for Darth Vader turning against the emperor at the last minute, in order to save Luke, all would have been lost.

The third and final installment of the Star Wars Trilogy Special Editions and this one's a whopper. The Return of the Jedi Special Edition is even better this time. It starts off with Luke (Mark Hamill) rescuing Han (Harrison Ford) from the clutches of the slug-like Jabba the Hutt. Then, Luke, Han Solo, Leia (Carrie Fisher) and the rest of the rebels prepare for a final battle with the empire. A small group of rebels, lead by Solo, are sent to the forest moon of Endor to knock out an imperial base, while the team lead by Lando (Billy Dee Williams) goes up against the new Death Star. Luke, meanwhile, must confront Darth Vader in order to fulfill his destiny as a true Jedi.