Episode I will take place on three planets: Coruscant (pronounced Kohr-uh-sahnt), the galactic capital (huge towers, massive cities), Tatooine (Anakin's home planet and Luke's home planet from ANH and ROTJ) and Naboo, the home of the Queen (Natalie Portman) which will be done in a Renaissance style with castles and will have a swamp that will play an important role.

Star Wars Trailer
This is what everyone has been waiting for! The trailer this time reveals more of the character, speacial effects, lightsaber duels, space battles and excellent special effects!!
If you have not seen it, you can download it Here! (starwars.com)
For international release date of the trailer, Click Here! (starwars.com)


under construction. review will be on 3rd June.(malaysian released)

This movie is suspected to beat the US$100 mil record for its first week released. Jurassic Park did it with US$93 mil.
"Most of the Star Wars movies have gotten mostly bad reviews,"
Lucas said. "They've mostly been trashed one way or another, especially by the major media. I certainly expect not to do well critically. I never have. You sort of accept this. When you get a situation like this where you have so much high expectation, you can't possibly live up to that."

After viewing some of
Episode I, Steven Spielberg had this to say: "Oh my God." When asked later what he meant, he said something to the effect that after seeing this movie people will have their jaws hanging down for a week.

After viewing 30 minutes of Episode I footage, the voice of Yoda and director
Frank Oz described it as, "Fucking amazing." After watching an edited but unfinished version of Episode I, director Ron Howard said it was "truly amazing."

IN another article, Lucas said he does expect Episode I to be at least one the top-grossing films of all-time. However, he doesn't think it'll top
E.T. ($399 million) or the original Star Wars ($461 million), much less current title-holder Titanic ($600.7 million). Not that that's a bad thing. "This is not a contest," Lucas said. "Our society make everything adversarial. Everyone has to be a winner or a loser. It's a movie." (From the force.net - Thanks Crow!)

-According to the force.net, the reviews from press screenings of "The Phantom Menace" (in select Canadian and American cities Tuesday), were immensely positive.

ET's Leonard Maltin attended yesterday's screenings of "The Phantom Menace" His comments : "It's incredible. Like nothing I've ever seen. Lucas has created a whole world here, it's not just a movie."

Official running time of the film is
2 hours and 6 minutes.

Rick McCallum confirmed that Lucas will "unquestionably" direct episodes 2 and 3. Episode 2 will begin casting in December and go into production in June, 2000. Episode 3 begins filming in June, 2003, and has a confirmed release for May of 2005.

The first art department meeting for Episode 2 was last week. Work will begin next week

Story-wise, the time elapsed between Episodes 1 & 2 is 10 to 12 years.

Concerning the release of the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD, the President of Lucasfilm, Gordon Radley, stated that the reason why the DVDs have been delayed is because George has "something special" in mind for it's release. Rick McCallum said that "Unfortunately the DVD set will not be released for about another year and a half but the'll have a lot of great material on them."

Concerning episodes 7-9 McCallum stated that George isn't planning to do them because he really needs to take a break. He added that maybe the fans can convince George to make the next trilogy, to which the attendees responded with a huge cheer.


DID you know?
This is our first look at the Jedi Temple (part 5 in the locations series at Starwars.com). I think this will look a lot cooler when we see it in context with the rest of the planet. The Council meets at the very top of the central spire. Notice how it towers high above the rest of the city. Look for part 6 of this series to be another location on Coruscant, perhaps a more detailed look at the Senate chambers or Palpatine's quarters. I think the design is something new and if you really look at it and other buildings, you'll see as if a whole new planet has been created.

Other cool facts

Pepsi has a $2 billion deal with Lucas. Pepsi cans and boxes will be filled with Prequel characters. Pepsi commercials will be filled with prequel characters. Frito-Lay packaging (a susidiary of Pepsi) will be filled with prequel characters. And definitely Taco Bell and maybe Burger King and KFC will be selling prequel toys.

Pepsi And StarWars!

Looking at the advertistment here, obviously star wars look really cool anywhere it is presented. Pepsi surely begged more income with this combining formula.


cool eh?
PLaystation and Star Wars
Sony Playstation will come out with The Phantom Menace, an adventure game following the plot of the movie. Producer Rick McCallum elaborated on this by saying that more specifically, Episodes II and III are not in production because there are certain things in terms of virtual sets and computer generated characters that just can not be done yet. According to George Lucas, Episode I is 95% digital. Almost every frame of the movie has gone through a computer. Comparing Episode I to Episode IV, he said, "It's like sketching with a pencil, and suddenly somebody gives you paint, and so now I can paint the way I was originally seeing things. and I like that."



Any suggestions, critics or dissatisfaction can be forwarded to fg79@hotmail.com. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form. All informations here are gained from various reliable sources.